Motorcycle Troubleshooting Tips
While it’s always better to get your motorcycle professionally repaired when an issue arises, there are a number of common motorcycle maintenance problems that have unexpectedly easy fixes. To help you figure out what needs a professional’s expertise, and what can be quickly repaired in your garage, check out our tips below.
Dead Battery
If left to sit for too long, batteries can sometimes end up drained and will need to be charged or replaced before you can ride your bike again. To avoid this issue, be sure to connect your motorcycle battery to a drip charger before leaving your model to sit for long periods of time.
Bad Fuel Efficiency
If you’ve noticed your model is struggling with lower fuel efficiency, it may be a sign that you need to lower your speed a bit and drive at a more measured even pace. However, if your changed driving habits still aren’t effective we recommend getting your oil changed. This can sometimes help fix the problem, however, you may need to see a mechanic if the issue still doesn’t improve.
Your Handlebars Shake
Most people know that when your brakes begin to shriek or squeal at a stop light, it’s time to get your pads replaced. However, a less common sign that your brakes are in bad condition is your handlebars shaking as you come to a stop. This is likely a sign your rotors rather than your brake pads are on their last leg and need to be replaced—preferably by a professional.
Looking for an expert mechanic to help you care for some of your motorcycle’s more complicated repairs? Then be sure to stop by Willamette Valley Harley-Davidson® here in Eugene, Oregon. We offer an amazing team of industry experts to assist with all of your motorcycle’s important maintenance needs, and we look forward to serving those nearby in Albany and Corvallis, Oregon.