Before buying a used motorcycle, it's helpful to estimate its life expectancy. You don't want to purchase a model thinking it will last many more years...only to have to replace it the next year! Read on for a beginner's guide to a used motorcycle's life expectancy.

How Long Will a Used Motorcycle Last?

As a general rule, a used motorcycle will last an average of 80,000 miles. But the longevity of a used motorcycle is primarily dictated by how well the previous owner took care of the model.

For example, a used motorcycle that was poorly maintained will last an average of 20,000 miles. 

A used motorcycle that was well-maintained, on the other hand, will last an average of 100,000 miles. In some cases, a used motorcycle can last 200,000.

What Affects a Used Motorcycle's Longevity?

First, the type of motorcycle. For example, a touring motorcycle may last for 100,000 miles while a sport bike may last for 50,000 miles. Different types of models are built for different levels of longevity.

Second, the engine size. Used motorcycles with bigger engines usually last longer than models with smaller engines.

Third, the year of manufacturing. More recently built motorcycles use higher quality materials and cutting-edge design practices, which helps the models last longer.

Ready to shop for used motorcycles for sale? Check out the selection at Willamette Valley Harley-Davidson. Our dealership is based in Eugene, Oregon, and we also serve those in Albany and Corvallis.